Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Afraid of Getting Hurt

so my friend Val came over Sunday and we took a drive to a local lake to drive and why on our way there we had a talk about what happens if we tried the whole couple thing we sat there and talked and even though im not into the whole couple thing we both said we would have to talk about it more so on our way back we did have a kiss and then last night she wrote a blog saying that she doesn;t want a relationship which i understand cause to be truthful i don't either becuase i am afraid of getting invovled in a realtionship becuase of the fear i have of getting hurt espically by a friend cause i do love her but as a friend i know i have pushed the line at times and for that i hope when i tell her i am sorry for anything i have done to her that has made her mad at me i mean that i am sorry for it i think we are friends i hope she knows i still want her as a friend and nothing more cause i am afriad of getting into a serious realtionship i just sat and thought about it after i read what she had to say and found out from my own thinking that all i want is her friendship so i hope she can accept my deepest apolgies and hope we can still be friends.


KittyVamp1977 said...

I'm glad we're both on the same page
we make awesome friends.

KittyVamp1977 said...

we will always be friends. Thanks for understanding.

Zen2009 said...

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It's a free radio that you can pick who to play...
Like "the Peter Crisis" by Don Caballero...
Much love and 99!