Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Okay so i am sitting here nothing much to do but sit and think about how much people piss me off. I think everytime a child screams instead of hitting the child someone should just smack the shit out of the parents becuase it is thier fault that thier child screams for sweets and toys. so i am a volunteer at a local hospital and what i do is lead people to where they need to i don't do it for the money cause i don't get paid. i don't do it for the glory because i am not that superfical. I do it becuase it feels good to help other people. but some people can really piss me off i will be leading someone to where they need to go and we will cross paths with somone who does actually does get paid and they will ask where are u going and the person i am helping will say where they are going and the worker will tell them how to get there like i didn't know that. that pisses me off but i don;t say anything. people that drive with thier dam cell phones glued to thier ear honestly how important is this devices yes i do have a cell phone but don't use it while driving hey idiots of America quit talking and drive the 2 ton wagon with your brats in the backseat screaming are we there yet.if u need to talk pull the F*^K over well i gues that is it for now see ya on the Dark Side


Thursday, April 23, 2009


Well Dam i am pissed off again just sitting here at KUMC volunteers office not doing much cause it is another slow dam day just went to get somthing to munch on wanting some chips and a Mountain Dew and all they had was Diet Mountain Dew and i am like WTF where is my Mountain Dew. i don't dew diet pardon the pun. so i had to settle for a Dr Pepper which isn't bad but when im wanting the sugar high Mountain Dew does the spot. so another nice day and im stuck indoors which bites the big shit. dam i am PISSED OFF cause i don;t have any Mountain Dew looks like i will have to wait until i get home. I NEED SUGAR DAMMIT i am way to hyper. I WANT TO SEE FIRE FIRE AND MORE FIRE. another so another pissed off rant has passed just wanted to rant which i think besides being crazy is my other fave hobby.

Monday, April 20, 2009


So i am sitting here drinking a 12 oz can of Mountain Dew both for the Caffiene and the Sugar cause dammit i need both they are my drugs in life with the exception of a occasional smoke when i need one of those. So anyway sitting here on both the sugar and caffiene high and thinking about shit that people do u know like cutting in front of you on the road just to turn or to get off the next exit dam that shit pisses me off and i don;t even drive. That Shit pisses me yes i am ranting about people hell that is what i do don't like what i say see that RED X at the top just click it and go back to your shitty lives. so anyway if i had a superpower it would be fire yes i said it FIRE i am a friggin PYRO i love FIRE but i am not a arsonist there is a difference i do not set homes and buildings on fire. i know it may sound like i am a crasy SOB well im not a SOB but i will take the crazy part LOL. yes i can laugh at myself that is something many people can;t do. and feel free to leave comments shit i would like to hear what all the freaks have to say just remember we are all freaks in one form or another there is a reason why no one is perfect the reason is that way god has entertainment when he looks down here. well i guess i said enough shit for now bbl with more antics from the mind of Joe

Saturday, April 18, 2009


so this is my 1st blog woo hoo who would have thought i would join the bloggin world i sure didn;t but i thought i might as well join. So anyway a little about myself i am a 33 yr single man who is looking for mrs right but don;t really give a shit if i find her or not if i do i do if i don;t no big shitting deal. i am a volunteer at KUMC that is in Kansas City Kansas which i was born and raised and will never leave cause i am used to it. so this week was a hell of a week having to get up at 5 in the morning to either volunteer or to appointments was really tiring but at least one good thing came out of this week got together with a new friend Valerie. i mean seriously it is good to have a friend where u can spill the shit to and not having to worry about ASSHATS(people that annoy me) today Valerie came in handy cause it was one of my many what i call trapped in a snowglobe days but she was there to listen and that meant a lot to me to have a friend that listens instead of one of those shrinks that uses pschobably crap that a lot of them use so thanks to Valerie i feel better with the help of a drink to take the edge of so enough for now see ya
